Peer-reviewed Article
SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of Ocypode rotundata Miers, 1882 and O. ceratophthalma Pallas, 1772 using muscle tissue along the coast of Pakistan
Electrophoretic studies for the identification of ghost crabs (Ocypode rotundata and Ocypode ceratophthalma) using the SDS-PAGE were performed on protein patterns along the Sandspit coastal areas. The muscle tissues were used to estimate the molecular mass of proteins through SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. Electrophoretic settings were standardized to use 10% acrylamide resolving gel and 5% acrylamide stacking gel. A discontinuous buffer system was used following the protocols of Laemmli (1970) to observe the relative mobility and molecular weight of proteins. In O. rotundata total of 6 protein bands were resolved among them band-5 was found similar in size to the marker used (BSA = 66 kDa MW). Whereas in O. ceratophthalma total of 8 protein bands were resolved among them three protein bands (band-6, band-7, and band-8) were found to be higher in size than the molecular marker. Both species revealed four protein bands smaller than BSA ranging from 20 kDa to 40 kDa MW. The smaller-sized protein bands were suspected to be myosin light chain protein bands, sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins (SCBP), tropomyosin, and arginine kinase. Results showed that both species of ghost crabs are distinct from each other through their banding pattern and their relative mobility. The current study revealed the possible efficacy of SDS-PAGE for the identification of ghost crab species by using the standard molecular marker. However, few molecular proteins may also be used as markers for species identification. Therefore, SDS-PAGE may also be used for species-specific protein identification and linked to immune-analytic techniques.
Full Citation
Odhano, S., N.U. Saher, M.S. Rosenberg, and M. Kamal (2022) SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of Ocypode rotundata Miers, 1882 and O. ceratophthalma Pallas, 1772 using muscle tissue along the coast of Pakistan. Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal 15(3):555911. [7 pages]
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