Peer-reviewed Articles
Gould, E., H.S. Fraser, T.H. Parker, S. Nakagawa, S.C. Griffith, P.A. Vesk, F. Fidler, D.G. Hamilton, R.N. Abbey-Lee, J.K. Abbott, L.A. Aguirre, C. Alcaraz, I. Aloni, D. Altschul, K. Arekar, J.W. Atkins, J. Atkinson, C.M. Baker, M. Barrett, K. Bell, S.K. Bello, I. Beltrán, B.J. Berauer, M.G. Bertram, P.D. Billman, C.K. Blake, S. Blake, L. Bliard, A. Bonisoli-Alquati, T. Bonnet, C.N.M. Bordes, A.P.H. Bose, T. Botterill-James, M.A. Boyd, S.A. Boyle, T. Bradfer-Lawrence, J. Bradham, J.A. Brand, M.I. Brengdahl, M. Bulla, L. Bussière, E. Camerlenghi, S.E. Campbell, L.L.F. Campos, A. Caravaggi, P. Cardoso, C.J.W. Carroll, T.A. Catanach, X. Chen, H.Y.J. Chik, E.S. Choy, A.P. Christie, A. Chuang, A.J. Chunco, B.L. Clark, A. Contina, G.A. Covernton, M.P. Cox, K.A. Cressman, M. Crotti, C.D. Crouch, P.B. D’Amelio, A.A. de Sousa, T.F. Döbert, R. Dobler, A.J. Dobson, T.S. Doherty, S.M. Drobniak, A.G. Duffy, A.B. Duncan, R.P. Dunn, J. Dunning, T. Dutta, L. Eberhart-Hertel, J.A. Elmore, M.M. Elsherif, H.M. English, D.C. Ensminger, U.R. Ernst, S.M. Ferguson, E. Fernandez-Juricic, T. Ferreira-Arruda, J. Fieberg, E.A. Finch, E.A. Fiorenza, D.N. Fisher, A. Fontaine, W. Forstmeier, Y. Fourcade, G.S. Frank, C.A. Freund, E. Fuentes-Lillo, S.L. Gandy, D.G. Gannon, A.I. García-Cervigón, A.C. Garretson, X. Ge, W.L. Geary, C. Géron, M. Gilles, A. Girndt, D. Gliksman, H.B. Goldspiel, D.G.E. Gomes, M.K. Good, S.C. Goslee, J.S. Gosnell, E.M. Grames, P. Gratton, N.M. Grebe, S.M. Greenler, M. Griffioen, D.M. Griffith, F.J. Griffith, J.J. Grossman, A. Güncan, S. Haesen, J.G. Hagan, H.A. Hager, J.P. Harris, N.D. Harrison, S.S. Hasnain, J.C. Havird, A.J. Heaton, M.L. Herrera-Chaustre, T.J. Howard, B.-Y. Hsu, F. Iannarilli, E.C. Iranzo, E.N.K. Iverson, S.O. Jimoh, D.H. Johnson, M. Johnsson, J. Jorna, T. Jucker, M. Jung, I. Kačergytė, O. Kaltz, A. Ke, C.D. Kelly, K. Keogan, F.W. Keppeler, A.K. Killion, D. Kim, D.P. Kochan, P. Korsten, S. Kothari, J. Kuppler, J.M. Kusch, M. Lagisz, K.M. Lalla, D.J. Larkin, C.L. Larson, K.S. Lauck, M.E. Lauterbur, A. Law, D.-J. Léandri-Breton, J.J. Lembrechts, K. L’Herpiniere, E.J.P. Lievens, D.O.d. Lima, S. Lindsay, M. Luquet, R. MacLeod, K.H. Macphie, K. Magellan, M.M. Mair, L.E. Malm, S. Mammola, C.P. Mandeville, M. Manhart, L.M. Manrique-Garzon, E. Mäntylä, P. Marchand, B.M. Marshall, C.A. Martin, D.A. Martin, J.M. Martin, A.R. Martinig, E.S. McCallum, M. McCauley, S.M. McNew, S.J. Meiners, T. Merkling, M. Michelangeli, M. Moiron, B. Moreira, J. Mortensen, B. Mos, T.O. Muraina, P.W. Murphy, L. Nelli, P. Niemelä, J. Nightingale, G. Nilsonne, S. Nolazco, S.S. Nooten, J.L. Novotny, A.B. Olin, C.L. Organ, K.L. Ostevik, F.X. Palacio, M. Paquet, D.J. Parker, D.J. Pascall, V.J. Pasquarella, J.H. Paterson, A. Payo-Payo, K.M. Pedersen, G. Perez, K.I. Perry, P. Pottier, M.J. Proulx, R. Proulx, J.L. Pruett, V. Ramananjato, F.T. Randimbiarison, O.H. Razafindratsima, D.J. Rennison, F. Riva, S. Riyahi, M.J. Roast, F.P. Rocha, D.G. Roche, C. Román-Palacios, BMC Biology 23:35. [36 pages] , J. Ross, F.E. Rowland, D. Rugemalila, A.L. Russell, S. Ruuskanen, P. Saccone, A. Sadeh, S.M. Salazar, K. Sales, P. Salmón, A. Sánchez-Tójar, L.P. Santos, F. Santostefano, H.T. Schilling, M. Schmidt, T. Schmoll, A.C. Schneider, A.E. Schrock, J. Schroeder, N. Schtickzelle, N.L. Schultz, D.A. Scott, M.P. Scroggie, J.T. Shapiro, N. Sharma, C.L. Shearer, D. Simón, M.I. Sitvarin, F.L. Skupien, H.L. Slinn, G.P. Smith, J.A. Smith, R. Sollmann, K. Stack Whitney, S.M. Still, E.F. Stuber, G.F. Sutton, B. Swallow, C.C. Taff, E. Takola, A.J. Tanentzap, R. Tarjuelo, R.J. Telford, C.J. Thawley, H. Thierry, J. Thomson, S. Tidau, E.M. Tompkins, C.M. Tortorelli, A. Trlica, B.R. Turnell, L. Urban, S. Van de Vondel, J.E.M. van der Wal, J. Van Eeckhoven, F. van Oordt, K.M. Vanderwel, M.C. Vanderwel, K.J. Vanderwolf, J. Vélez, D.C. Vergara-Florez, B.C. Verrelli, M.V. Vieira, N. Villamil, V. Vitali, J. Vollering, J. Walker, X.J. Walker, J.A. Walter, P. Waryszak, R.J. Weaver, R.E.M. Wedegärtner, D.L. Weller, S. Whelan, R.L. White, D.W. Wolfson, A. Wood, S.W. Yanco, J.D.L. Yen, C. Youngflesh, G. Zilio, C. Zimmer, G.M. Zimmerman, and R.A. Zitomer (2025) Same data, different analysts: Variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology.
Odhano, S., Pakistan Journal of Zoology 57(1):117–131. , N.U. Saher, G.Y. Zhang, and M. Kamal (2025) Comparative biochemical and genetic analysis of two species of ghost crabs, Ocypode rotundata and Ocypode ceratophthalmus from the coast of Pakistan.
Johnson, M.T.J., I. Arif, F. Marchetti, J. Munshi-South, R.W. Ness, M. Szulkin, B.C. Verrelli, C.L. Yauk, D.N. Anstett, W. Booth, A.E. Caizergues, E.J. Carlen, A. Dant, J. González, C. González Lagos, M. Oman, M. Phifer-Rixey, D.J. Rennison, Nature Ecology & Evolution 8(6):1074–1086. , K.M. Winchell (2024) Effects of urban-induced mutations on ecology, evolution and health.
Miles, L.S., H. Waterman, N.A. Ayoub, J.E. Garb, R.A. Haney, Journal of Heredity 115(3):241–252. , T.J. Krabbenhoft, B.C. Verrelli (2024) Insight into the adaptive role of arachnid genome-wide duplication through chromosome-level genome assembly of the Western black widow spider.
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 4:1305969. [5 pages] (2024) MetaWin 3: Open-source software for meta-analysis.
Odhano, S., N.U. Saher, Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal 15(4):555917. [10 pages] , M.F. Hassan, and H. Soomro (2022) Burrow construction morphology of Ocypode rotundata Miers 1882 (Ocypodidae: Brachyura) from the sandy coastal areas of Karachi, Pakistan.
Odhano, S., N.U. Saher, Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal 15(3):555911. [7 pages] , and M. Kamal (2022) SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of Ocypode rotundata Miers, 1882 and O. ceratophthalma Pallas, 1772 using muscle tissue along the coast of Pakistan.
Vågene, Å.J., T.P. Honap, K.M. Harkins, Nature Communications 13:1195. [12 pages] , K. Giffin, F. Cárdenas-Arroyo, L.P. Leguizamón, J. Arnett, J.E. Buikstra, A. Herbig, J. Krause, A.C. Stone, and K.I. Bos (2022) Geographically dispersed zoonotic tuberculosis in pre-contact South American human populations.
Castillo, A.I., B. Roos, Evolution: Education and Outreach 15:3. [13 pages] , R. Cartwright, and M.A. Wilson (2022) Genie: An interactive real-time simulation for teaching genetic drift.
Stover, D.A., G. Housman, A.C. Stone, Genes 13(2):183. [19 pages] , and B.C. Verrelli (2022) Evolutionary genetic signatures of selection on bone-related variation within human and chimpanzee populations.
Rivera, J.A., H.N. Rich‡, A.M. Lawling, Ecology and Evolution 11(6):2796–2813. , and E.P. Martins (2021) Occurrence data uncover patterns of allopatric divergence and interspecies interactions in the evolutionary history of Sceloporus lizards.
Tassone, E.E., L.S. Miles, R.J. Dyer, Evolutionary Applications 14(4):1109–1123. , R.M. Cowling, and B.C. Verrelli (2021) Evolutionary stability, landscape heterogeneity, and human land-usage shape population genetic connectivity in the Cape Floristic Region biodiversity hotspot.
Journal of Crustacean Biology 40(4):364–383. (2020) A fresh look at the biodiversity lexicon for fiddler crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae). Part 2: Biogeography.
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Journal of Crustacean Biology 38(6):823–824. (2018) New record and range extension of the fiddler crab Uca princeps (Smith, 1870) from California, USA.
Luque, J., J.H. Christy, A.J.W. Hendy, Journal of Systematic Paleontology 16(12):1037–1055. , R.W. Portell, K.A. Kerr, and A.R. Palmer (2018) Quaternary intertidal and supratidal crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura) from tropical America and the systematic affinities of fossil fiddler crabs.
Honap, T.P.‡, L.-A. Pfister, G. Housman, S. Mills, R.P. Tarara, K. Suzuki, F.P. Cuozzo, M.L. Sauther, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(1):e0006190. [17 pages] , and A.C. Stone (2018) Mycobacterium leprae genomes from naturally infected nonhuman primates.
Stoltzfus, A., F1000Research 6:786. [15 pages] , H. Lapp, A. Budd, K. Cranston, E. Pontelli, S. Oliver, and R.A. Vos (2017) Community and code: Nine lessons from nine NESCent hackathons.
Dowling, T.E., C.D. Anderson, P.C. Marsh, and PLoS ONE 10(10):e0139832. [21 pages] (2015) Population structure in the roundtail chub (Gila robusta complex) of the Gila River basin as determined by microsatellites: evolutionary and conservation implications.
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Stoltzfus, A., H. Lapp, N. Matasci, H. Deus, B. Sidlauskas, C.M. Zmasek, G. Vaidya, E. Pontelli, K. Cranston, R. Vos, C.O. Webb, L.J. Harmon, M. Pirrung, B. O'Meara, M.W. Pennell, S. Mirarab, BMC Bioinformatics 14:158. [17 pages] , J.P. Balhoff, H.M. Bik, T. Heath, P. Midford, J.W. Brown, E.J. McTavish, J. Sukumaran, M. Westneat, M.E. Alfaro, A. Steele, and G. Jordan (2013) Phylotastic! Making tree-of-life knowledge accessible, reusable and convenient.
Perez, D.M., Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106(2):307–315. , and M.R. Pie (2012) The evolution of waving displays in fiddler crabs (Uca spp., Crustacea: Ocypodidae).
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Chen, S.-C., BMC Bioinformatics 12:111. [3 pages] , and B.G. Lindsay (2011) MixtureTree: A program for constructing phylogeny.
Anderson, C.D.†, and Journal of Herpetology 45(1):50–55. (2011) Variation in association with manmade habitat edges exhibited by the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) in St. Louis County, Missouri.
Manel, S., S. Joost, B.K. Epperson, R. Holderegger, A. Storfer, Molecular Ecology 19(17):3760–3772. , K.T. Scribner, A. Bonin, and M.-J. Fortin (2010) Perspectives on the use of landscape genetics to detect genetic adaptive variation in the field.
Anderson, C.D.†, B.K. Epperson, M.-J. Fortin, R. Holderegger, P.M.A. James, Molecular Ecology 19(17):3565–3575. , K.T. Scribner, and S. Spear (2010) Considering spatial and temporal scale in landscape-genetic studies of gene flow.
Epperson, B.K., B.H. McRae, K.T. Scribner, S.A. Cushman, Molecular Ecology 19(17):3549–3564. , M.-J. Fortin, P.M.A. James, M. Murphy, S. Manel, P. Legendre, and M.R.T. Dale (2010) Utility of computer simulations in landscape genetics.
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Ogden, T.H.†, and Systematic Biology 56(2):182–193. (2007) Alignment and topological accuracy of the direct optimization approach via POY and traditional phylogenetics via ClustalW + PAUP*.
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Hyatt, L.A., Oikos 103(3):590–602. , T.G. Howard, G. Bole, W. Fang, J. Anastasia, K. Brown, R. Grella, K. Hinman, J.P. Kurdziel, and J. Gurevitch (2003) The distance dependence prediction of the Janzen-Connell hypothesis: A meta-analysis.
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Dungan, J.L., J.N. Perry, M.R.T. Dale, P. Legendre, S. Citron-Pousty, M.-J. Fortin, A. Jakomulska, M.N. Miriti, and Ecography 25(5):626–640. (2002) A balanced view of scaling in spatial statistical analysis.
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Sokal, R.R., N.L. Oden, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97(11):6067–6072. , and B.A. Thomson (2000) Cancer incidences in Europe related to mortalities, and ethnohistoric, genetic, and geographic distances.
European Journal of Epidemiology 15(1):15–22. , R.R. Sokal, N.L. Oden, and D. DiGiovanni (1999) Spatial autocorrelation of cancer in Western Europe.
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Sokal, R.R., N.L. Oden, American Journal of Human Biology 9(3):391–404. , and D. DiGiovanni (1997) The patterns of historical population movements in Europe and some of their genetic consequences.
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Journal of Crustacean Biology 17(1):52–59. (1997) Evolution of shape differences between the major and minor chelipeds of Uca pugnax (Decapoda: Ocypodidae).
Edited Books

Book Chapters (Peer-reviewed)




Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology, D. Gibson, ed. Oxford University Press: New York. [18 pages] , and C.D. Anderson (2016) Spatial Pattern Analysis. In
Lajeunesse, M.J., Handbook of Meta-analysis in Ecology and Evolution, J. Koricheva, J. Gurevitch and K.L. Mengersen, eds. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. , and M.D. Jennions (2013) Phylogenetically independent meta-analysis. Pp. 284–299 in
Jennions, M.D., C.J. Lortie, Handbook of Meta-analysis in Ecology and Evolution, J. Koricheva, J. Gurevitch and K.L. Mengersen, eds. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. , and H.R. Rothstein (2013) Publication and related biases. Pp. 207–236 in
Handbook of Meta-analysis in Ecology and Evolution, J. Koricheva, J. Gurevitch and K.L. Mengersen, eds. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. (2013) Moment and least-squares based approaches to meta-analytic inference. Pp. 108–124 in
Handbook of Meta-analysis in Ecology and Evolution, J. Koricheva, J. Gurevitch and K.L. Mengersen, eds. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. , H.R. Rothstein, and J. Gurevitch (2013) Effect sizes: Conventional choices and calculations. Pp. 61–71 in
Chen, S.-C., M. Li, Handbook of Statistical Bioinformatics, H.H.-S. Lu, B. Schölkopf and H. Zhao, eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin. , and B.G. Lindsay (2011) Mixture tree construction and its applications. Pp. 135–147 in
Sequence Alignment: Methods, Models, Concepts, and Strategies, M.S. Rosenberg, ed. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA. , and T.H. Ogden† (2009) Simulation approaches to evaluating alignment error and methods for comparing alternate alignments. Pp. 179–207 in
Sequence Alignment: Methods, Models, Concepts, and Strategies, M.S. Rosenberg, ed. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA. (2009) Sequence alignment: Concepts and history. Pp. 1–22 in
MetaWin. Version 3. (2022)
PySSaGE. beta version. (2021)
Phy2HTML. Version 1. (2019)
PASSaGE. Pattern Analysis, Spatial Statistics and Geographic Exegesis. Version 2. , and C.D. Anderson† (2011)
IndelCoder. Version 1. (2010)
MetaWin: Statistical Software for Meta-Analysis. Version 2. Sinauer Associates: Sunderland, MA. , D.C. Adams, and J. Gurevitch (2000)
MetaWin: Statistical Software for Meta-Analysis with Resampling Tests. Version 1. Sinauer Associates: Sunderland, MA. , D.C. Adams, and J. Gurevitch (1997)
Dowling, T.E., P.C. Marsh, C.D. Anderson†, , and A.T. Kelsen (2008) Population structure in the roundtail chub (Gila robusta complex) of the Gila River basin as determined by microsatellites. Arizona Game and Fish Department: Phoenix, AZ.
Miscellaneous Publications
PeerJ Preprints 2:e477v1. (2014) A biologist's guide to impact factors.
Ainsworth, E.A., New Phytologist 176(4):742–745. , and X. Wang (2007) Meta-analysis: The past, present and future.
Journal of Irreproducible Results 49(3):16. (2005) Why lectures seem to last forever.
Book/Software Reviews
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29(9):1718–1719. (2015) (Book Review) Handbook of Spatial Point-Pattern Analysis in Ecology.
Quarterly Review of Biology 73(3):340. (1998) (Book Review) Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems.
Quarterly Review of Biology 72(2):240–241. (1997) (Software Review) Minitab for Windows.
Odhano, S., N.U. Saher, Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology 38:416. , and M. Kamal (2018) Species re-description of genus Ocypode (family: Ocypodidae) through biochemical and genetic analysis along the coast of Pakistan.
Honap, T.P., A.J. Vagene, A. Herbig, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165(S66):125. , J.E. Buikstra, K.I. Bos, J. Krause, and A.C. Stone (2018) Pre-contact and historic era Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genomes from the Americas.
Honap, T.P.‡, Å. Vågene, A. Herbig, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159(S62):177. , J.E. Buikstra, K.I. Bos, J. Krause, and A.C. Stone (2016) Genetic analyses of pre- and post-contact North American Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains.
Luque, J., A.J.W. Hendy, GSA Abstracts with Programs 47(7):423. , R.W. Portell, and A.R. Palmer (2015) Cenozoic inter-tidal, supra-tidal, and freshwater crabs from tropical America.
Pfister, L.-A., L.T. Nash, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138(S48):210. , and A.C. Stone (2009) Influence of androgen receptor variation in primate and carnivore female social dominance.
Pfister, L.-A., American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135(S46):171. , and A.C. Stone (2008) Full genome comparisons of Mycobacterium: Insight into the origin of tuberculosis and leprosy.
Sokal, R.R., N.L. Oden, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 111(S30):286–287. , and B.A. Thomson (2000) Cancer incidences in Europe related to ethnohistoric and genetic distances.
† = lab postdoc; ‡ = lab grad student