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Cancer incidences in Europe related to ethnohistoric and genetic distances


We have previously shown that geographic differences in cancer mortalities in Europe are related to (in order of importance): geographic distances (reflecting environmental differences), ethnohistoric distances (encompassing cultural and genetic attn'butes), and genetic distances of the populations in the areas studied. In this study, we analyzed the same three fuctors in geographic differences for European incidences ofup to 45 cancers for each sex. Differences in cancer incidences are correlated moderately, first with geographic distances, then with genetic distances, but not at all with ethnohistoric distances. Comparing these findings to the earlier ones for cancer mortalities, we note the reversal in the importance of ethnohistory and genetics between the two cancer rates, and the generally lower correlations of incidence differences with the three putatively causal distance matrices. A path diagram combining the two studies demonstrates the lack of cultural carcinogenic effects, but suggests cultural influences on procedures such as the registration of deaths in different political entities. In addition to these cultural differences, the relatively large correlation between ethnohistoric distances and mortality differences is due to common fuctors behind the correlation of ethnohistoric and geographic distances. Geographic proximity results in similar ethnohistories. The direct effects of genetic distances are negligible and only their common effects with geographic distances play a role, accounting for the weak to negligible influence of genetics on incidence and mortality differences. Apparently, the genetic systems available to us do not substantially affect cancer incidence or mortality.

Full Citation

Sokal, R.R., N.L. Oden, M.S. Rosenberg, and B.A. Thomson (2000) Cancer incidences in Europe related to ethnohistoric and genetic distances. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 111(S30):286–287.



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